Rongoā Māori in a nutshell
Feb 12, 2025Indigenous healing around the world is derived from the inseparable connections that sustain all life. Nothing on this planet (nor the planet itself) exists in isolation, therefore nothing heals in isolation.
Māori, as one of two indigenous peoples in Aotearoa New Zealand, know that the world is made up of things that are seen and unseen. Humankind is part of nature, not in control of it. Our survival and wellbeing is subject to the wellbeing of the world around us. All things bring a gift to the table for the wellbeing of others and in turn they are sustained by others.
Wellbeing is derived by restoring natures natural and evolving order.
To understand the nature of wellbeing we can look to the different domains within our world, the land, the oceans and the heavens for example. These domains work together to sustain life. And within these domains are subdomains such as the forests, coral reefs and different solar systems. Everything within a sub domain like a forest must work together in order to sustain each other and in turn sustain those external to that sub-domain. e.g. the forest canopy protects the sub-canopy, sub-canopy helps to brace the canopy and protect the plants that grow on the forest floor. In turn the plants on the forest floor provide a home for the many micro organisms that maintain the health of the soil and the roots of the larger trees, help prevent erosion and retain and store water for the dryer months for everyone and so it goes on.
When we understand how a healthy forest or seascape operates and the connections necessary to sustain it, we have a blue print on which to maintain and sustain our own wellbeing.
Nothing exists in isolation and therefore nothing heals in isolation. Without 'we' there is no 'me'!
The goal of rongoā Māori is to lift the mana (the dignity) and the mauri (the essence that sustains life) of people AND place in order to maintain balance in an ever changing world (evolution).
Learn more about Rongoā Māori in Our Journey into Rongoā Māori online course.
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